Model Notices of Privacy Practices Released

Today, ONC and the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released model Notices of Privacy Practices for health care providers and health plans to use to communicate with their patients and plan members.
About the Model Notices:
Developed collaboratively by ONC and OCR, and with input from consumers and key stakeholders, the model Notices are provided in three different styles and are customizable by users. Covered entities may use these models by entering some of their own information into the model, such as contact information, and then printing for distribution and posting on their websites.
The three options for Privacy Notices are:
A notice in the form of a booklet
A layered notice with a summary of the information on the first page and full content on the following pages
A notice with the design elements of the booklet, but that is formatted for full-page presentation
A text-only version is available for covered entities who only wish to use the content.
You can access the notices at
Why Use These Model Notices?
The HIPAA Privacy Rule gives individuals a right to be informed of the privacy practices of health plans and health care providers and of their privacy rights regarding their personal health information. Health plans and covered health care providers (covered entities) are required by HIPAA to develop and distribute a notice that provides a clear, user-friendly explanation of these rights and practices.
These model Notices can help providers and plans by reflecting the regulatory changes of the Omnibus Rule serving as the baseline for covered entities working to come into compliance with the new requirements.
Find more information about the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice requirements on the OCR webpage.
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