Uncle Sam and Cousin Karen (DeSalvo) want your Interoperability Roadmap Public Comments

Uncle Sam and Karen DeSalvo

ONC is accepting public comments on Connecting Health and Care for the Nation: A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Draft Version 1.0. The comment period ends at 5 p.m. on April 3, 2015.

The draft Roadmap proposes critical actions that need to be taken by both private and public stakeholders to advance the nation towards a more connected, interoperable health IT infrastructure and was drafted by ONC based on input from private and public stakeholders. The draft Roadmap outlines the critical actions for different stakeholder groups necessary to help achieve an interoperable health IT ecosystem.

Please submit your thoughts and input during this public comment period. You may place your input into the text field that is provided in the comments form and/or upload a upload a letter that outlines your comments and edits. Please note that anything submitted as part of this process can be made public by ONC.



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