
5 Reasons We Love Usability Testing - a guest post by Justin Williams

User Experience and Usability Testing have become fashionable lingo in the health IT world, yet EHR software is rife with usability issues; convoluted workflows, poor content, and poor interaction design are common frustrations that plague providers daily. Changing healthcare reimbursement models, Meaningful Use, PQRS, ICD-10... don’t providers have enough concerns without having to worry about their EHR?

Researchers found that data issues related to interoperability and usability can result in preventable patient safety risks

Laboratory professionals are essential to reducing patient safety risks by ensuring patients' electronic health record data are accurate and effective, according to a CDC report, Clinical Innovation & Technology reports (Walsh, Clinical Innovation & Techonology, 5/19).

Seeking Medical Professionals for remote EHR Usability studies

Seeking Medical Professionals for remote EHR usability studies

The Usability People are actively seeking participants in a remote usability studies of several EHR systems.

Qualified participants that complete the study will receive compensation up to a $100 Amazon gift card.

Other studies will be available soon.

Please complete the questionnaire in the URL below to see if you qualify:

EHRA Raises Concerns About 2015 EHR Certification Criteria

In a letter to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, the Electronic Health Record Association raised concerns about a proposed rule containing voluntary certification criteria for electronic health record systems in 2015, EHR Intelligence re

EHR Functionality Needed to Support Primary Care

An article supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) examines gaps in current electronic health record (EHR) functionality and needed enhancements to better support primary care. “Electronic health record functionality needed to better support primary care” recently appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

2014 CEHRT Hardship Exception Guidance announced today

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued guidance for eligible professionals, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals that are unable to implement the 2014 Edition of Certified Electronic Health Record technology in time to successfully demonstrate meaningful use for the 2014 reporting year.

Visit the EHR Incentive Program webpage ( ) for the:

GAO Wants More Details From Pentagon, VA on EHR Plans

The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs "have not substantiated their claims" that implementing separate, interoperable electronic health record systems will be more affordable and quicker than their original plan to develop a joint EHR system for both agencies, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, Health Data Manageme

EHR Usability Consultation and Certification

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has released certification and meaningful use requirements for electronic health records (EHRs). These require that EHR vendors include evidence of user-centered design and user test results in their certification submission. To be able to obtain the ONC certification (and meaningful use funding) EHR vendors must follow a formal User Centered Design (UCD) process and perform summative usability testing on specific areas of the product.

CMS Offering Free Webinar on Preparing for MU Stage 2

Join the Next eHealth Provider Webinar on January 14 to Learn How You Can Prepare for Stage 2

Are you participating in the EHR Incentive Programs? Have you completed two or more years of Stage 1? If so, it’s time to start preparing for Stage 2 and earn an incentive for 2014 participation.

Join CMS for the next eHealth provider webinar on Tuesday, January 14th from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. ET to get ready for Stage 2.
What will you learn?


The Usability People work with you on improving the Usability of Healthcare IT.

The Usability People
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT