Medical Device

Gamification of Patient Portals - Increasing Engagement for Meaningful Use

Slot Machine image gamification of Patient Portals

One of the great things about living near a “destination city” such as Washington DC is that friends and relatives often come to visit. This past Fourth of July week was a perfect example, as my sister-in-law and niece came to visit and to celebrate our country’s birthday in it's capital city.

My niece had also recently just turned 21, and was celebrating her birthday too. One thing that they both wanted to do was to go to a casino. Luckily about an hour or so north was Arundel Mills, an outlet shopping destination and (non-smoking) casino.

Nurses say: Device Interoperability Key to Reducing Medical Errors

Hospital errors could be better avoided by improving the interoperability of medical devices, according to a survey of 526 registered nurses conducted by Harris Poll, FierceHealthIT reports (Dvorak, FierceHealthIT, 3/12).

Nice: Apple Alters iOS Developer Agreement To Prevent Sale of Health Data

Apple appears to be taking steps to prevent application developers from selling health data collected by its recently launched mobile platform called HealthKit, MobiHealthNews reports (Dolan, MobiHealthNews, 9/2).


In June, Apple introduced a new mobile application and platform that aims to consolidate health data tracked by various other health apps into one location.


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