
#SafeHealthIT issue: FDA Urges Hospitals To Stop Using Hackable Medication Pump

The FDA released a safety alert that recommends health care providers stop using a certain medication infusion pump because it is vulnerable to hacking, marking the first time the agency has recommended facilities stop using a device because of cybersecurity concerns, AP/New York Times reports (AP/New York Times, 7/3

Improving Clinical Workflow in Ambulatory Care: Implemented Recommendations in an Innovation Prototype for the Veteran’s Health Administration

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report titled “Incorporating Health Information Technology into Workflow Redesign”
recommended conducting human-factors workflow analyses in health care settings prior to technology implementation. In addition, the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) presented targeted recommendations from human-factors workflow methods that could be used in ambulatory

Senate Committee to discuss Usability of HealthIT

Achieving the Promise of Health Information Technology: What Can Providers and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Do To Improve the Electronic Health Record User Experience?

Watch the live stream at


ONC: Health IT Adoption, Use Has Improved Patient Safety

The increased adoption of electronic health records and other health IT has improved patient safety, according to an issue brief by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Health IT Analytics reports (Bresnick, Health IT Analytics, 4/28).

Usability and User Experience topics at HIMSS

HIMSS15 logo

User Experience, usability, and user-centered design principles were on the forefront of conversations around the topic of clinician/patient satisfaction, safety-enhanced design, and value optimization. Here are a few highlights of the programming and events taking place at HIMSS15 related to the topic of health IT UX.

Five Things To Watch at HIMSS15

by Carla Smith, Monday, April 6, 2015

As I prepare for HIMSS15 in Chicago, from April 12-16 at McCormick Place, I think about the transformation of health care through the power of IT -- through innovation, engagement, leadership and more. And, I know others share in this vision; our nearly 40,000 attendees and more than 1,200 exhibiting companies join us to discover, inspire and create the future of health through IT. 

Here are the five things I am watching at HIMSS15.

Proposed Expansion of the Safety-Enhanced Design requirements for Meaningful Use Stage 3

ONC document on Federal Register

Click here for Update: The Final Rule for the 2015 edition certification has been released.

On page 191 of the 431 page document from ONC about the proposed changes to the Meaningful Use program for Stage 3, ONC begins to identify several significant changes to the Safety-enhanced Design (a.k.a.usability) testing requirements.


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The Usability People
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT