HIMSS EHR Group Urges CMS, ONC To Release Final Meaningful Use

HIMSS EHR association logo

The HIMSS EHR Association in a letter urged the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and CMS to quickly issue a final rule regarding 2014 meaningful use reporting requirements and to delay the start of Stage 3 until at least 2018, Healthcare IT News reports (Monegain, Healthcare IT News, 7/11).

Navigating the Intersection of Medical Devices, Health IT To Boost Patient Safety

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One of the many Holy Grails in health care -- trailing somewhat behind the perennial pursuit of lower costs -- is the notion of interlinking the sometimes disparate components of medical devices, clinical systems, information systems and communication platforms to streamline care and make the entire delivery universe safer for patients.

Meaningful Use Proposed Rule Aims To Offer Relief, but Many Questions Remain

by Fred Bazzoli, iHealthBeat, Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A few weeks ago, the nation's health care organizations received the promise of some much-needed relief from the pressure of meeting looming deadlines for achieving Stage 2 of the meaningful use program. That came with the release of a proposed rule from CMS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT intended to give providers more flexibility and time in achieving Stage 2 objectives.

AMDIS To Push CMS for More Details on Meaningful Use Changes

The Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems is seeking clarity around CMS' proposed changes to the meaningful use program, Modern Healthcare reports.

AMDIS has tasked board member Michael Zaroukian with drafting formal comments to CMS' proposed rule (Conn, Modern Healthcare, 6/19).

ONC Wants To Make Meaningful Use More Flexible, Less Prescriptive

Jacob Reider, deputy national coordinator and chief medical officer at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, said that the agency wants to make the meaningful use program more flexible and less focused on providers meeting a specific set of clinical quality measures, Modern Healthcare reports.

AHA Urges CMS, ONC To Quickly Finalize Meaningful Use Changes

The American Hospital Association sent a letter Tuesday asking CMS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT to quickly finalize a proposed rule that extends the meaningful use timeline so that providers can take advantage of the added flexibility, EHR Intelligence reports (Murphy, EHR Intellig

Making Meaningful Use Meaningful

Electronic health records dramatically advance patient care. At Atrius Health, we fervently support the intent of meaningful use, a CMS program started in 2011 that provides financial incentives to organizations that use EHRs to improve patient care and penalties to those that don't. We have watched with anticipation as this program has helped move the majority of U.S. physicians to electronic patient records. However, as the program progresses, we encourage Congress and CMS to re-assess the program's sustainability.

Industry Divided Over Proposal To Change Meaningful Use Timeline

The health care industry is divided over a proposed rule released earlier this week by CMS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT that would give providers an additional year to upgrade electronic health record systems to meet reporting requirements for Stage 2 of the Medicare meaningful use program, Modern Healthcare 

Drummond's public comment on 2015 Edition EHR Certification Criterion - § 170.315(g)(3) (Safety-Enhanced Design)

Usability testing for Meaningful Use - Safety-enhanced Design

2015 Edition EHR Certification Criterion
(3) Safety-enhanced design.

User-centered design processes must be applied to each capability an EHR technology includes that is specified in the following certification criteria: § 170.315(a)(1) through (4), (8) through (10), and (18) and (b)(2) and (3).

EHRA Raises Concerns About 2015 EHR Certification Criteria

In a letter to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, the Electronic Health Record Association raised concerns about a proposed rule containing voluntary certification criteria for electronic health record systems in 2015, EHR Intelligence re

Review of Q1 2014 Federal Health IT Activity

by Helen R. Pfister, Susan R. Ingargiola and Dori Glanz, Manatt Health Solutions, iHealthBeat, Monday, April 21, 2014

The federal government continued to implement the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, during the first quarter of 2014.


The first quarter of 2014 saw a number of important developments:



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