2015 Edition Certification - Safety-enhanced Design (aka usability)

Healthcare providers that may be interested in upgrading to the latest government-approved electronic health record systems got a signal that the products are in the pipeline, though they may be six or more months away from reaching the market.

The shift to the Stage 3 and 2015 Edition requirements has received push-back from providers, especially with the added complexity of the pending shift by physicians to the new requirements of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.

Under MACRA, physicians may choose to either participate in Medicare Alternative Payment Models, for which reporting starts Jan. 1, 2017, or select to participate in a Merit-Based Incentive Payment System beginning in 2019. In the latter case, they'll need to use EHRs certified to the ONC's 2015 Edition criteria.

The safety-enhanced Design criteria for the 2015 Edition Certification contains significant changes from the 2014 Edition that EHR vendors need to be aware of. These changes are outlined in http://www.theusabilitypeople.com/service/safety-enhanced-design-testing...

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