CMS releases updated quality measures for MU

In an effort to align the clinical quality measures used within the EHR Incentive Program with the goals of CMS and the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Quality Strategy (NQS), and recommendations from the Health Information Technology Policy Committee, each clinical quality measure has been assessed against six domains based on the NQS’s six priorities.
These domains have been integrated into this table and are listed below.
• Patient and Family Engagement
• Patient Safety
• Care Coordination
• Population/Public Health
• Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources
• Clinical Process/Effectiveness
Because measure specifications may need to be updated more frequently than the expected rulemaking cycle will allow for, they provided updates to the specifications. Subsequent updates will be provided at least 6 months prior to the beginning of the calendar year for which the measures will be required, and
CMS will maintain and publish an archive of each update.
For more info see:
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