We are based in the Washington DC Metro Area (Fairfax, VA ) and have been dealing with snow-days, snow delays, traffic etc. If you are anything like us, you are looking forward to HIMSS 2014. Not only for the informative sessions, meetings with vendors, networking with colleagues, but for THE WEATHER.
The Weather Channel says that for next week Orlando FL will be in the mid 70s. Nice.
Interested in learning more about Usability in Healthcare? Join us at the HIMSS Spotlight on Usability Tuesday, Feb 25th at 8am.
Tweet us @HlthCrUsability or @UsabilityPeople We'd be happy to meet and discuss how we can help you achieve a Meaningful Use Stage 2 2014 Certification, while improving your profitability by following the principles of User-Centered Design.
The Usability People work with you on improving the Usability of Healthcare IT.
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT