ONC Makes updates for Safety-enhanced Design Requirements

On June 15th, ONC pushed a significant update to the 2015 Update Edition test procedure.
The application of user-centered design (UCD) during development and summative testing is limited to only those nine 2015 Edition certification criteria specified in this certification criterion and only for which certification is sought, namely [80 FR 62670]:
§ 170.315 (a)(1) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – medications
§ 170.315 (a)(2) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – laboratory
§ 170.315 (a)(3) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – diagnostic imaging
§ 170.315 (a)(4) Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks for CPOE
§ 170.315 (a)(5) Demographics
§ 170.315 (a)(6) Problem list
§ 170.315 (a)(14) Implantable device list
§ 170.315 (b)(2) Clinical information reconciliation and incorporation
§ 170.315 (b)(3) Electronic prescribing
This is a 25 percent reduction in the number of criteria required for this certification!
Click here for more information
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