Usability and User Experience Sessions at HIMSS16

HIMSS16 is presenting the following:

User Experience Forum Improving User Experience: A Roadmap to Safer, More Effective Health IT

This forum will explore the HIT user experience (UX) and the impacts of UX on efficient quality care delivery. A diverse assembly of vendors, administrators, and clinicians will share their perspectives and prescriptions. The forum will conclude with an expert panel who will discuss future steps to increase the effective use of user-centered design (UCD) principles in HIT hardware, software, practices and processes across the continuum.

Tuesday, March 1
UX in HIT: A History of How We Got To Where We Are Today
Session id: 8 8:30AM - 9:30AM PT
Tuesday, March 1st
UX in HIT Development: Vendor Perspectives
Session id: 23 10:00AM - 11:00AM PT
Wednesday, March 2
UX Makes All the Difference for Clinicians
Session id: 98
8:30AM - 9:30AM PT
Wednesday, March 2nd
UX , ROI, and the 'Bottom Line’
Session id: 113
10:00AM - 11:00AM PT
Thursday, March 3
What Does the Evidence Tell Us About UX?
Session id: 188
8:30AM - 9:30AM PT
Thursday, March 3rd
Creating A Shared Vision: The Roadmap for Successful User-Centered HIT
Session id: 203 10:00AM - 11:00AM PT

The Usability People work with you on improving the Usability of Healthcare IT.

The Usability People
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT