Healthcare User Experience Tweet Chat #HCUX
#HCUX TweetChat
#HCUX TweetChat for April 22, 2014
The next chat will be hosted by Bennett Lauber (@uuAbility)
The Chief Experience Officer of The Usability People, LLC
-- The deadline for submitting comments for the 2015 ONC certification is Monday, April 28;
1) Should there be a minimum number of test subjects explicitly required for usability testing?
2) Should formative usability tests should be required, or used as substitutes for summative testing?
3) Should there be explicit usability tests that should be required in addition to summative testing?
-- Accessibility: ONC suggests that viewing capability for VDT must meet Level AA conformance with the most recent set of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
4) Let's discuss the issues associated with meeting Level AA conformance.
International Medical Device Regulators Forum's SaMD Working Group issued guidelines for regulation of mobile healthcare apps
5) What are the major usability concerns with mhealth emerging market?
For those not familiar with #HCUX TweetChats, #HCUX is the hashtag for “Healthcare User Experience ” and we focus on current usability related topics that are influencing healthcare technology, health IT, and the many other healthcare technologies.
Chats are held at 1 p.m, EST, every other Tuesday. Cancellations will be noted on this page. During the chat, topics will be announced by the @HlthCrUsability Twitter account.
It’s easy to join the Twitter conversation simply searching in Twitter for #HCUX then you can follow the conversation. Or log into Twubs:
To contribute just follow along and tweet. Be sure to tag your tweets with #HCUX so they can be seen by the other chat participants.
To suggest a future #HCUX moderator, please Tweet your recommendations to @HlthCrUsability or @UsabilityPeople or send an email to
The Usability People work with you on improving the Usability of Healthcare IT.
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT