AMA Unveils Framework Outlining Priorities To Improve EHR Usability

The American Medical Association released a framework outlining eight priorities for making electronic health records easier for providers to use, Modern Healthcare reports (Conn, Modern Healthcare, 9/16).

We've been invited to participate as a member of the Health IT Policy Committee’s Implementation, Usability, and Safety Workgroup

ONC Health IT Logo

Our Chief Experience Officer, Bennett Lauber, has been invited to participate as a member of the Health IT Policy Committee’s Implementation, Usability, and Safety Workgroup.

The draft charge for the workgroup is:

The Health IT Implementation, Usability, and Safety Workgroup will provide input and make recommendations on policy issues and opportunities for improving how health IT is designed, certified, implemented and used to minimize safety risks and leverage data to support improvements in patient care and health outcomes.

No change for Safety-Enhanced Design (aka usability) in ONC MU2.1

Safety-Enhanced Design

ONC proposed a “safety-enhanced design” (SED) certification criterion for the Proposed Voluntary Edition that was unchanged as compared to the 2014 Edition certification criterion.

ONC did, however, solicit public comment regarding whether ONC should modify the certification criterion. Specifically, ONC requested comment regarding whether:

EHR Innovations for Improving Hypertension!

ONC Challenge for Improving Hypertension

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), in conjunction with the Million Hearts Initiative, has launched its newest prize challenge, EHR Innovations for Improving Hypertension!

In Phase 1, the challenge seeks to identify the practices that have used clinical decision support to implement the most successful evidence-based blood pressure treatment protocols. ONC will then reward organizations that can spread these tools for use by the most providers in Phase 2.

Medical Experts Emphasize Role of Health IT in Patient Safety

Image of safety in healthcare

Medical experts told members of Congress that health IT solutions, such as electronic health records, are falling short in efforts to improve patient safety, Healthcare IT News reports (McCann, Healthcare IT News, 7/18).

HIMSS EHR Group Urges CMS, ONC To Release Final Meaningful Use

HIMSS EHR association logo

The HIMSS EHR Association in a letter urged the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and CMS to quickly issue a final rule regarding 2014 meaningful use reporting requirements and to delay the start of Stage 3 until at least 2018, Healthcare IT News reports (Monegain, Healthcare IT News, 7/11).

Annals of Internal Medicine Study: Small Changes Could Improve Usability of Logo

Several simple steps -- such as implementing a decision-support tool and providing explanations of health insurance industry vocabulary -- could significantly improve the usability of, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the Los Angeles Times' "Science Now" reports.

Navigating the Intersection of Medical Devices, Health IT To Boost Patient Safety

Alert Keyboard

One of the many Holy Grails in health care -- trailing somewhat behind the perennial pursuit of lower costs -- is the notion of interlinking the sometimes disparate components of medical devices, clinical systems, information systems and communication platforms to streamline care and make the entire delivery universe safer for patients.

3rd Annual OSEHRA Conference

Our Chief Experience Officer, Bennett Lauber will be presenting "EHR Usability, The future of medicine is easy to use" at the 3rd Annual OSEHR Conference on Sept 5th at 10:30 am.

OSEHRA, an emerging leader in advancing open source electronic health record software and related health information technology, is bringing together the best and brightest from healthcare and other open source initiatives to share their expertise in three key areas:


The Usability People work with you on improving the Usability of Healthcare IT.

The Usability People
Together we may save a life! #SafeHealthIT