Top Primary Care Electronic Health Records Honors Announced by 2014 Black Book Satisfaction Survey

Two thousand primary care surveyed EHR users narrowed down an elite group of systems vendors across eighteen probing key performance indicators from a field of over 400 qualified healthcare software firms. As thousands of primary care practices still scramble to select and implement records systems, current adopters identify the firms that delivered on implementation success, productivity, outcomes, connectivity, meaningful use achievement and crucial stimulus fund requirements.

#HCUX tweet chat topics

Healthcare User Experience Tweet Chat

Topics for the Healthcare User Experience (#HCUX) tweet chat

#HCUX TweetChat for June 26, 2014

The first #HCUX (Healthcare User Experience) chat was hosted by Bennett Lauber (@uuAbility), Chief Experience Officer of The Usability People, LLC
The moderator for this chat has not yet been set.

Topics, so far, are:

Better clinical information system user experience can improve the quality of care. Discuss -

Can someone tell me why no one advertises #design positions in #hit? HIT needs consumer grade #UX

HIMSS Offers CMS Recommendations on MU Stage 2

Earlier this week, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society sent a letter  to CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner with recommendations on how the agency can maximize the number of successful attesters to Stage 2 of the meaningful use program this year, FierceEMR reports.

2014 CEHRT Hardship Exception Guidance announced today

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued guidance for eligible professionals, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals that are unable to implement the 2014 Edition of Certified Electronic Health Record technology in time to successfully demonstrate meaningful use for the 2014 reporting year.

Visit the EHR Incentive Program webpage (http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentiveProg... ) for the:


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